Coworking is the place to be: Coworking as a parent during a pandemic

Being a parent is already monumental. Being responsible for another human being and making sure they don’t put rocks in their nose is hard work! Add a job and a pandemic to that, and any rational human being would probably start putting rocks in their own nose. Shouts out to all the parents that are juggling the unthinkable right now!! Couldn’t be more awestruck! However, operating at that high capacity can be exhausting. Using resources like coworking places can help lift everyone’s joy and productivity!

We’ve covered the safety being implemented by coworking places, and with that foundation Coworking has continued to evolve. When you’re working from home and your child is doing remote learning, it’s a hassle to spread your focus and time. Coworking spaces that offer childcare are crucial and are giving needed relief to working parents. In addition to childcare, some even offer supervised and socially distanced class room environments. So if your high schooler has homework or class to attend, they can do so with supervision and reliable wifi! Environment is key when it comes to getting work done, and for students that’s even more pivotal. Being able to have a space outside of home, that feels productive makes a huge difference.

Not to sound like a broken record, but being around other working people makes it easier to get in that headspace. Plus, there’s coffee and water. Sometimes even snacks! Parents and students alike get the benefit of the community and productive energy of the environment. While working in a new place. All the joy, creativity, and productivity we talked about in the last part get to be shared with parents and students when they’re working in the same environment! Win-Win! Science says Coworking rocks, so…… does.


Coworking is the place to be: Part 1 of 2


Meet the chief of happiness, Natalia Bishop